What price child care?
Whether you're a single mom who struggles to pay for child care or a worker in this field, it's hard to believe that our society still puts such a low value on caring for our children. Check out this website - the Center for the Childcare Workforce explains that the Bureau of Labor Statistics figures must be interpreted correctly.
Okay, the mean wage (which means average) for child care workers in the U.S. is $7.42--the average can be skewed by a few reports of higher wages. The median wage (half of salaries are above and half below) for U.S. child care workers is $6.91--closer to what most workers actually receive.
It's nice to know that the American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation has created this project as a watchdog for the early education of our nation's kids. Here's their mission statement:
CCW/AFTEF’s mission is to improve the quality of early care and education for all children by promoting policy, research and organizing that ensure the early care and education workforce is well-educated, receives better compensation and a voice in their workplace.Sounds like a plan worth pursuing.

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