Mom--single and otherwise--books
Have seen this exact writeup in more than one place--can't tell who wrote the original and who copied, but the books sound good so I'll quote it all and give you links to both sources:
♦“The Complete Single Mother,” by Andrea Engber and Leah Klungness (Adams Media, $16.95), has been updated with a new chapter on raising children who have special needs.source 1, source 2
The Q&A format and soothing tone resemble the extremely popular “What to Expect” series, but the authors don’t shy away from gritty topics that define the lives of as many as 9 million single mothers in the United States: finding a reputable attorney, financial issues, custody rights, Internet dangers, dealing with an ex-spouse’s family, as well as dating, sex and remarriage.
♦All mothers will get a laugh (and a reprieve from perfection) with “The Kid Turned Out Fine” (Adams Media, $14.95), edited by Paula Ford-Martin. Dozens of moms nationwide ’fess up to their biggest screw-ups, and some are howlers.
♦Wickedly funny Jenny McCarthy, author of the New York Times bestseller “Baby Laughs,” is back with a sequel, “Life Laughs: The Naked Truth About Motherhood, Marriage and Moving On,” (Dutton, $23.95).
Having given up the ridiculous notion of having it all, McCarthy talks about her painful divorce, sagging breasts, porn flicks, potty training and then ends with her favorite quotes from the Dalai Lama. It’s a kick."

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