Challenge #237 - attending a social function alone
How many times have you had to go to a social event or club member party by yourself? If you're in business, of course, you can convince yourself this is networking and brave it like you always do. But maybe you just want to enjoy yourself. So what do you do?
You're not dating anyone. Can't find a girlfriend to go with you. Your single brother's busy. Your male cousins are all married. Do you pass up an opportunity to enjoy lovely food and free drink and music in a charming setting just because you'll have to do it alone? First, you try to find out if there'll be a few other people there without dates. I remember I used to go to an after-work gathering to listen to live jazz. I'd agree to meet friends--a couple--there. When I tried to chat with others, I ususally didn't get much response.
Then one day I brought a male friend of mine along. I was quite surprised to see that people who had previously been polite but rather cool were suddenly very friendly and even invited "us" to come to the next music place they were going! I can tell you it was never so clear to me just exactly the height of the social obstacles most single women face.

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