Phillipines starting to reframe women's issues
Nice to see our neighbors hard at work trying to understand and reframe some of the bias against women in the Phillipine workplace. The story reports that many local employers will hire single women--often because they feel perfectly okay paying them less than a man--but then when female employees get married, they're seen as a liability because they can get pregnant. Interesting view--probably not so different from that of many U.S. employers.
The Internet is the communal mind of the world; it is the tool by which the unheard are beginning to be heard, the unseen, coming into the light. The downtrodden are being spoken up for more than ever, as the web makes it possible for many more of us to know the truth and understand what is needed. The Internet is bringing women together in unprecedented ways, giving a voice to those who have hitherto had no forum.
At SWWAN we welcome this marvelous intricate network of human thought as the path by which the world will come to understand the special passion and creativity that single women bring to making the world a better place.

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