Single working women and single working men - a play about a story
Went to a wonderful play reading today at Chicago Her-Rah, a festival put on by The International Centre for Women Playwrights--3 days of readings held in this wild little venue on North Avenue in Chicago called Around the Coyote.
Heard about this through a new acquaintance whose friend's was one of the plays being read--a sparkling depiction of the New-York-intellectual-neurotic malfunctioning male/female dynamic that captured the essence of what's going on between so many men and women today. Depressing kind of, full of angst but also tenderness and lots of humor... Read with only a commentator, no scenery, lights or anything, it was "Manhattan Cassanova" and it was mesmerizing. Remember the playwright's name: Jenny Lyn Bader.
The festival is a once-a-year event that honors female playwrights everywhere. Wish I'd had time to see a few more. Next year it's in Roumania. Read more on their website
Labels: neurosis, playwrights, single working men, single working women

I so agree with your thoughts on the work Of Jennie Lyn Bader and her play "Manhattan Cassanova". Though I have to admit that I was an actress in this play I need to also say that in 45 years of acting that this playwrite is one of my favorites. I'd love to do more of Ms Baders work. The writing was clear, realistic, poignant and funny in away that rivals Neil Simon. It compells you to think, after you laugh, about the relationships we have with men, ourselves, and the female friends in our lives.Give us more Ms Bader and we will find the venue!
By the way, this piece "Manhattan Cassanova" should be required viewing for any female beyond the age of 18. It's themes are universal. If you can't see the play get a copy and read it.
I don't know which actress you were, but my congratulations to you in any case. Every one of your was excellent--so much so that as an audience member, I really had no need for lights, scenery, etc.
Beautifully done. Thank you for such a fine job. And please say who you are so we can look for more of YOUR work!
We are all actors from the Theater of Western Springs a wonderful community theater 20 minutes west of the loop.It is a theater well worth looking into either as an audience member or as a child or adult acting enthusiast. We hope to see you there!
By the way, thanks for this wonderful website!As a SWW and mother I find it inspiring and supportive.
Thanks, Pam/Diane! Here's a link to your theater's website:
P.S. Thank you for saying that you find the SWWAN website and blog inspiring and supportive--that is our goal and it's good to hear that we're hitting the mark.
I hope you will let us use your lovely testimonial about us. If so, how would you like to sign your name?
Please feel free to use my testimonial. You can sign it a "Happily Single Working Woman" or just "Diane, 54". Also please keep up the good work with this website. I will be sure to share this site with my friends. Thanks!
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