Touching on the spiritual
A friend, who seems to have been doing some exploring of spirituality, sent me a link today to a survey about what kind spiritual/religious person you are. The questions aren't simple to answer--on several of them I wanted to choose more than one, but that wasn't allowed. Turns out I'm a Seeker. Other options are Companion, Thinker, Believer, Maverick, and Lover. Take it here if you're curious how you'll come out.
She sent another link with some good moral-of-the-story tidbits. Here's one I enjoyed:
Nice to think about during those times we face rough waters in our financial situation. Those who hav faith and trust in a higher power can change their outlook about anything to a more positive spin.A monk in his travels once found a precious stone and kept it. One day he
met a traveler, and when the monk opened his bag to share his provisions with
him, the traveler saw the jewel and asked the monk to give it to him. The monk
did so readily. The traveler departed, overjoyed with the unexpected gift of the
precious stone that was enough to give him wealth and security for the rest of
his life. However, a few days later he came back in search of the monk, found
him, gave him back the stone, and entreated him, “Now give me something much
more precious than this stone, valuable as it is. Give me that which enabled you
to give it to me.”--from a story told by Anthony de Mello
Labels: faith, moral of the story, religion, religious fervor, spirituality

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