Uninsured have medical care options in Chicago
Was casting about looking for facilities in Chicago that serve uninsured patients and found a nice little collection (list is below). Meanwhile, I ran across this item, too:
AstraZeneca, one of the giants of the pharmaceutical world, recently instituted a program to help low-income individuals and families get free or low-cost medicine. They will supply the medicines to healthcare facilities run by "non-profit organizations that have a licensed outpatient pharmacy or dispensary on site," among other requirements. Patients should have no prescription drug coverage and have a household income of $30,000 or less for an individual, or $60,000 for a family of four.This is a small piece of good news for some of the millions of people in the U.S. who are without healthcare coverage---which includes a good percentage of us single working women, some of them moms.
Happy 2008, folks. I hope you had an enjoyable beginning to your year and are fired up for good things to happen all 12 months coming up.
Here's a list of some of the medical care facilities for the uninsured in Chicago:
Erie West Town Health Center
1701 W. Superior Street
Chicago, IL 60622
(312) 666-3494
Erie Humboldt Park Health Center
2750 W. North Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647
(312) 666-3494
Community Health Clinic - UIC / Northwestern med students volunteer
2611 W. Chicago, 60622
Pacific Garden Mission Clinic
647 S. State St., 60605
Pilsen Homeless Health Services
731 West 17th Street, 60616
(312) 243-5226
Rush Community Service Initiatives
1725 W. Harrison, 60612
St. Basil’s Free People’s Clinic
1850 W. Garfield Blvd., 60609
Cook County Bureau of Health Services (312) 864-6004
offers guidance on finding medical care
Midwest College of Oriental Medicine - have been known to offer free acupuncture
4334 North Hazel Suite 206
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Telephone: 773-975-1295
Labels: acupuncture, AstraZeneca, Chicago, free clinic, medical care for uninsured, single working women, uninsured, without healthcare coverage

Thanks for putting this list together! I am a new social worker in the Chicago area and have found it very helpful. I work with teens with a chronic illness. Many have been insured under Medicaid since birth but when they turn 18 often get kicked off. They try to reapply as an adult and do not qualify because many are doing really well physically because they have had regular medical care up to this point.
Also wanted to let you know about another option that I have found for uninsured in this area, Access Community Health Network. They have about 50 health centers in Chicago, suburban Cook and DuPage counties. You can find out the closest clinic by calling toll free at 1-866-882-2237. ACCESS online: www.accesscommunityhealth.net
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