Reflections on changing the world
Year-end is always a good time to think about what has happened in your life and what you'd like to have happen in the future. Was reading an article in Ode Magazine yesterday and found a story about a professor at Barnard College in New York who invites local Harlem residents to sit in for free in his philosophy classes. He got in trouble with the administration, but he told them these are his friends and they wouldn't dare tell another professor his friends couldn't sit in. Cool.
Anyway, he quoted Ghandi and I think it's a perfect one for single working women, too. "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Make the choices you really want to make--not those society would have you make. The single women of today who do work they love, who pursue successful careers of all kinds, and who build caring relationships with friends and family are demsontrating that women are in charge of their own happiness.
How many children are raised by a single parent because of divorce, desertion, or death? Why should a stigma be attached to single mothers by choice? The single women of today who choose to become mothers because they have not met the right mate are courageously living out their dream. They are showing the world that healthy, happy children can come from all types of homes--as they have always done.
The single women who face medical and financial challenges and find new ways to overcome those obstacles are showing resourcefulness and courage that is an inspiration to others in this profoundly down economy.
The single women of today who live alone or caring for an elderly relative yet find joy in work, play and friendships are embodiments of hope. They personify the energy, the creativity, and the courage that are helping to make the world a better place for all.
Merry Christmas to all. May we all continue to be the change we want to see in the world.
Labels: African single women/mothers, be the change, busy single working women, Ghandi, living the dream, single mothers by choice, single parents

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