Single-working-woman Kirsten Osolind opens doors--and minds
Let me tell you, there are some brilliant women out there kicking butt and sharing their knowledge and success with other women. Check out single-working-woman Kirsten Osolind's website and blog about connecting enterprising women with corporations.
This lady has the ticket to what it takes to uncover and highlight the successes women are having, to point to resources for those who are on the way, and to hold a shining beacon high for those who are only dreaming so far. She talks about finance, venture capital, bootstrapping yourself up, applying for and winning awards, and every other thing it takes to build a successful lifestyle--single or otherwise.
Listen to her story:"
I speak from experience: I've held multiple jobs, been fired, been rehired, been a corporate exec, an entrepreneur, a blonde, a brunette, weighed 50 pounds more than I do today and 15 pounds less, recovered from a fluke stroke (yes, you read it here), made money, lost money, been homeless, lived in 15 different cities, dated multiple good and mad men (one of whom told me all I was good for was shopping for shoes)...and bounced back each time. I'm not afraid to admit it -- I love reinvention!"And here's one of her early blog entries about why women who start businesses have to run in the red far longer.
Hats off to you, Kirsten. Thanks for the incredible energy you're putting out to provide information and help women succeed. Truly inspiring.

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