Holiday company
What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Being single at the holidays can be tough if you don't have an extended family to hang out with, or if they're all so far away you're not about to undertake a trip. And not every employer is enlightened enough to give folks the Friday-after-Thanksgiving off, so when that's the case, that one-day holiday can feel like a little bit of an orphan.
If you're blessed to have close family or friends with whom to spend this holiday, you might not think about asking about other single women you know who might not have that luxury. In case you don't automatically invite others, remember to try it this year. Thanksgiving is the kind of holiday that's generic and generous--it's all about being thankful for all the good in your life. It's not as intimate as Christmas, where you might be thinking about presents and where a stranger among you might easily feel out of place. Thanksgiving is for everyone equally. If you're cooking, check on some of the other single women you know and see if they'd like to help you eat the goodies. If you're not going anywhere yourself, think about doing something creative to celebrate and invite other single women you know to join you. Start your own tradition! And even if it turns out to be only for the one year, you will have made a memory unlike anyone else's.
A hallmark of the successful single lifestyle is creating your own unique memories. Go for it.

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