Single women aren't the only solo diners...
Yes, restaurants are having to get used to the idea that not everybody comes in a couple. The MSN City Guide writes "Dining Solo? Join the Crowd" to point out that restaurants who respect these diners should consider offering the following:
They mention the desirability of a "dining counter" (as opposed to a dumpy lunch counter) where singles can talk to each other if desired, or chat with the cook/waitstaff about the food, the weather, da Bulls or whatever.
- a variety of communal reading material
- lots of wines by the glass or splits (hey, restaurant owners, this is a great idea)
- preset tables for one that aren't in obnoxious locations like in the front window or behind the kitchen doorway
Many women wouldn't think of dining alone. Hey, the world is beginning to pay attention to your needs--and your money. Consider the alternatives and have a new and possibly deligtful epxerience!

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