Botswana invites women to join forces in business
Hey, I like this idea! In Botswana they're having a conference to talk about a "cluster model" as a way to help women/sole proprietors combine forces (and resources) to be able to more effectively conquer their unique business challenges:
- lack of entrepreneurial skills
- lack of working capital
- lack of capacity to deliver large orders
- lack of promotional strategies, and
- lack of specialized machinery
all of which can result in
- poor quality products
- uncompetitive pricing
- poor customer service
True for so many women struggling alone to start a business. A representative of the Botswana government talks about the benefits of the cluster approach... "Women entrepreneurs are grouping nowadays but the way they do it is not systematic. The model will assist them to work as business entities as it advocates for separation of functions according to design and marketing as well as production entities." The structure and discipline of the model will include economies of scale through specialization and improved systems.
Wow. Many single working women entrepreneur-wannabes could use some of that over in the U.S., too. The key over there is that the government is providing the model and the access and the assistance with locating the businesses. Some places in the U.S. have education for women fledgling business owners (Chicago's Women's Business Development Center is very good at this). Ladies Who Launch is a private group that works towards the online/community/incubator model.
All I can say is, "More!"
Note: The Republic of Botswana's tagline is inspiring: Democracy, Development, Self-reliance and Unity. Cool.
Labels: Botswana, cluster model of business, single working women, women entrepreneurs

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