Getting outside really IS good for you
If you were a bookworm or otherwise inclined to stay inside when you were a kid, your mom may have yelled at you to get outside and play. Turns out she was right--that being outside is literally good for your health.
Vitamin D, that elusive nutrient that's only available from sunshine and from vitamin supplements, seems to play a significant role in death rates. A study shows people tend to die sooner from all causes when their vitamin D is lower than accepted levels. How's that for a powerful reinforcement of your mom's prescription!
Plus, I read the other day about a test comparing how students' hearts behaved while doing an assignment and viewing either a) a blank wall, or b) a video screen showing a nature scene, or c) an actual window onto the same natural scene. Guess what? The only situation that proved favorable to the students' hearts was viewing the real natural scene.
Advice for every busy single working woman to take to heart. Getting outside's good for your heart.
And oh, yeah, if you're in Chicago, come join us outside when we celebrate the opening of Single Working Women's Week by co-hosting a street fair booth with SWWAN vendor Radiance Fine Jewelry. Radiance offers all SWWAN members 25% off fine jewelry repairs all year long.
Labels: busy single working women, heart health

Yep -- and they've shown that cancer rates are actually going up as we slap on stronger and stronger sun blocks. You don't want to just lie in the sun and cook yourself, but you have to get some sun -- even indirectly. Studies have shown that, in nursing home, where they simply wheeled patients out on to the veranda for 1/2 an hour each day, the number of broken hips dropped dramatically. So get out there.
Wow. A direct correlation between being outside and not breaking your hip. That's truly powerful! Thanks, Cynthia. If you have it, please send a link to that story.
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