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How are you going green?

Someone in a Chicago women's help network asked this question today--what are you doing to go greener in your everyday life? I put together a quick list of some of the things I do. Love to hear your ideas, too.
  • I use Handi-Wipes instead of paper towels for most jobs (except for throw-away jobs like cleaning up really gooey stuff or broken glass). They last a long time and can be washed in the washing machine a number of times.
  • I turn off all lights, radios, etc. in a room when I leave it. I heard this can save as much as 10% on energy consumption.
  • I work from home so I'm in my house all day. During the days now, I'm keeping my house one degree less warm in winter and one degree less cool in summer. Heard this as a tip on a radio show.
  • I recycle glass, plastic and paper.
  • I reuse the plastic bags that line my wastebaskets--just pull out the papers and so on in each wastebasket and dispose of it all in one larger bag.
  • I reuse plastic grocery bags for garbage. They're a lot easier to carry out when they're full than giant ones.
  • I reuse the small plastic produce bags to wrap foods in for the refrigerator.
  • When I remember, I bring my recycled-cloth grocery bag into the store with me to cut down on the number of plastic bags they pack my groceries in.
  • I pool as many errands as possible into a single car trip.
  • Rather than buy disposables, I reuse commercial plastic containers for food storage.
I just saw a TV documentary about a master switch you can install that will turn off all those instant-on things like your TV, stereo, computers, etc. that keep draining energy even when off. It's pretty complex and expensive to install, but it saves a ton of energy. Hopefully they'll start building those into new homes and office buildings.

Can't wait to hear everyone's ideas!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started to compost--but my cat eats the food scraps out of the compost pile so I'm not sure how to handle that one! Christina

7:44 PM  
Blogger Barbara Payne said...

Composting is a really good thing if you've got a garden. In the city where I live, everything I keep outside--including things I grow and stuff that isn't growing--gets dug up, eaten, and thrown around by the very-aggressive squirrels who live in the trees next door. I've given up trying to garden.

I presume it's not healthy for your cat to consume the food scraps. I guess if they're like dogs, they'll eat any human food, even though it's not their best nutrition choice. Maybe we can get an idea from a real green expert. Let's both pose the question on our blogs and see what we get!

9:17 AM  

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