Single women: reach out and give without asking back
Give with your whole heart. Don't ask for a return. Connect with each other--for business, for all the things we need in life.
That's what celebrants at last night's opening event heard from keynote speaker Sharan Tash, owner of The ProNetworker, Inc., NAWBO Chicago director, NSA speaker, and creator of the "pay-it-forward, boomerang networking" concept. Sharan told of how giving from the heart without thought of return always comes back to you tenfold.
As a shining example of practice-what-you-preach, Sharan, SWWAN thanks you for inspiring attendees at this celebration of the first annual Single Working Women's Week holiday.
Hostess Monica Davis praised single women and single mothers for all they contribute. Thanks to all those who shared in this delightful evening, including sponsors Lynfred Winery and National City Bank. Special thanks to Rebecca Gutermuth, designer of the beautiful SWWAN jewelry line, who hosted the party at her lovely store, Radiance Fine Jewelry.
And special thanks to columnist and authoress Jacquee Thomas whose contributions made the event extra special. Passionate speaking, wine, food, violins, and sharing. It was a beautiful event. For a copy of the event's program, click here. Photos will be posted as soon as we can get them up!
If you live in Cleveland, please join us for our Cleveland SWWAN party TOMORROW!
Labels: Monica Davis, networking for women, Radiance Fine Jewelry, Sharan Tash, single mothers, single women in business, single working women, Single Working Women's Week

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