DOES it get better than this?
I remember once seeing a newspaper article taped to someone's refrigerator. It was a well-written article talking about a commercial that glorified a just-the-guys' weekend--can't remember if it was hunting or fishing or camping. The main thing was, they had their beer and each other. And the tagline was "It doesn't get any better than this."
The author of the article, a man, went on to say how inappropriate he thought that tagline was. He talked about his relationships with his children, and particularly with his wife, and how that's the sort of image that really belongs with a tagline like that.
I remember having a brief discussion with my father about this. And what a point of difference we had--it just showed that we were living/thinking/breathing on such different planes that it was a miracle we could ever cross the divide and reach each others' minds.
We're going to be interviewing Dr. Karen Gail Lewis on our SWWAN Dive radio show on July 17. Her book, "With or Without a Man," is a sensitive analysis of what it really means to be single. She's a professional therapist/counselor, a single woman herself, and she'll talk frankly about both the bad and the good parts of being single.
"7 Shocking Truths Every Single (or Single Again) Woman Must Know" mark your calendar to join us on that call. Her stories are fascinating, and her advice is perceptive and wise. You might already know everything she's going to say. But sometimes it's exquisitely rewarding to share your dreams, hopes, fears and joys with others.
Labels: abusive relationships, busy single working women, Dr. Karen Gail Lewis, state of being single, SWWAN Dive radio show, women relationship with father

How can I find out more about the interview? I don't know when your radio show is on...
Oh, sorry I didn't give a link to the show. It's But we'll be doing this live call on another venue. We'll be sending out full details soon. If you've signed up for the newsletter or the blog, you'll get the info right in your inbox.
Thanks for reading!
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