Does a "bad" woman make a story exciting? I bet she's single!
Good movies always seem to have some conflict between "the good" and "the bad." I'd love to do a survey sometime to see what percentage of the time the villain in a non-action film (where we expect the bad guy to be male because only another man can pose a worthwhile challenge to the male hero) is a female--and particularly a single female--versus a male. Do we find it easier to hate women?
Think about "Basic Instinct." I'd never seen that whole movie before until the other night. And now I see how this single woman is portrayed as a spider, a trapper--without ethics, morals or a heart. Seems like another male fantasy movie--the incredibly attractive, sexy female that draws men like flies is finally unveiled as evil. Hmmmm. We've been blaming the female for stuff since at least biblical times. Dr. Karen Lewis mentions the history of how females are assigned to care for all relationships in her great SWWAN Dive interview.
And then there is the Bridget Jones's Diary story. This poor single woman is desperate about being alone and is constantly worrying about how to change herself to catch a man. Then she sleeps with the guy who is a total user. She's not evil, but she's pathetic and personally weak and unempowered. If it weren't for the wonderful poignant humor, this would be a totally depressing film.
This weekend is the opening of Single Working Women's Week--our international celebration of all single working women. We're in Chicago for this and will have available at our event, at a SWWAN-member discount, Dr. Lewis's fascinating book, With or Without a Man, and her workbook of the same name. If you're in town, stop by and see us at Radiance Fine Jewelry, 2139 N. Damen. 11 - 4 on Saturday and 12 to 5 on Sunday.
Labels: Basic Instinct, Bridge Jones's Diary, Dr. Karen Gail Lewis, female villain, single woman villain, single women, Single Working Women's Week

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