Yes! SWWAN has an official logo--and holiday
Oh, man. Filed the official application for trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. These days you can file it yourself--if you've got the patience to read all the directions and the courage to plunk down your money when you don't know if you did it right. You can do it yourself right here. Lots of good help, but not for the faint of heart.
Here's our new now-officially-able-to-be-labeled "TM" logo.
If you haven't heard about our official holiday, you will soon. The book hasn't been published yet, but boy, are we looking forward to it! Chase's Calendar of Events is the place where all official holidays are recognized and published. Lots of reporters and TV people use that book to find interesting stories to tell.
And we're going to give them a whole lot to tell! Stay tuned...