The SWWAN Blog

Official blog of the
"Single Working Women's Affiliate Network"

Originator of Single Working Women's Week!

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Talk to your team!!

If you're not used to calling on others when you feel low or lonely, or when you're stressed or overwhelmed, you're not the only one. If you're like a lot of us single working women, you don't want to bother people. Don't want to appear needy.

But there's tons of proof that it's better for both your immediate sitation and your long-term health to have yourself a team you can call on when the chips aren't falling your way--and even when they are!

It takes practice to develop the habit of reaching out to those special people. Don't assume your team knows you need them. Make a point of connecting regularly and always letting them know you appreciate their help.

This is a new practice for me--and I often forget to consult my team. Like yesterday when I got so busy preparing to have a special holiday dinner. Totally forgot to think about connecting with them instead of snacking through the busy-ness.

Well, It' not new year's eve but I can resolve today to start reaching out more. Thank God for cell phones that keep your contacts' info.

What simple thing can you resolve to do today that will enrich your life--and strenthen your connectedness to life?

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From my house to yours...

I wish every single woman a world of joy this holiday season. I wish you homemade cookies, candlelight, and love to share with friends and family.

Here's to peace in our hearts all year long.

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The joy of sharing

Since I moved to Chicago and we started SWWAN, I have met many wonderful, dynamic passionate women. And with several of these cool ladies I've been able to begin the long and enriching process of building a friendship.

Last night two of my new, single-women friends had a few minutes to spare while they were in the neighborhood. I was delighted to invite them over for a glass of wine--and realized again how precious it is to share one's home and one's efforts towards festivity with others.

If you're one of the single people who tends to go visiting at the holidays rather than have people over, why not start a new tradition of your own? Decorate to your taste and invite a friend or two over to enjoy it with you.

And I highly recommend you get one of those "roaring fire" videos if you don't have a real fireplace. It is truly comforting to have the firelight--be sure to get one that actually burns the wood. You won't see a whole lot of change, but it's enough to feel like you've got something really happening.

Heck, I haven't turned on the TV since I got mine. That's pretty cool.

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The upside of being single at the holidays...

Yes, I just experienced it. There is an upside to being single at Christmas time. And learning to do Christmas a little differently is just one piece.

It's the first time in 33 years that I won't be in Cleveland for this most precious holiday, but I've just enjoyed a beautiful early Christmas with my daughter and son-in-law here in their warm and welcoming home in Shaker Heights, Ohio.

The upside of being single at this time of year is that you get to really focus on the loved ones in your life. Can spend a little extra time being together--doing things like baking Christmas cookies, decorating and enjoying music.

So now I return home and get ready to celebrate in another city and with yet another set of traditions. Maybe I'll even create a couple of new ones of my own. Sitting by my roaring fire (smokeless and troublefree on the DVD I got for Christmas!) and listening to my XM classical Christmas music is a good setting for imagining some magical new traditions into existence.

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Holiday hominess

It's great to go out and enjoy the season's decorations. Sitting at Nighttown---one of Cleveland's venerable restaurants that's been through several lifetimes. It is a story of success in the hard world of food service. With each rebirth it has preserved certain items that proved successful through all.

And it's very pretty, with its walls full of old-time drawings and photographs lined now with greens and the ubiquitous white minilight strings.

I'm early...will be seeing some friends I haven't seen in a few months. And it'll be great to see them, but I can't wait to get back to my daughter and son-in-law's beautiful old Shaker Heights home and help them decorate their tree.

When it comes to Christmas, ruby slippers or not, there's just no place like home and family.

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